Monday 27 February 2017

Inspiration for the Title Sequence in Our Opening

Once we had completed the first edit of our film, we thought about how we could add an improved title sequence that would help to tie in the narrative of the film, give the audience an insight into the characters, and establish a sense of equilibrium at the beginning. 

When brainstorming ideas for the beginning of our opening sequence, we came up with the idea of using a montage of photos. 

We came up with the idea of a montage of photos due to inspiration from existing thriller TV programmes, but mostly, BBC’s ‘The Missing’. This drama/thriller piece begins with a title sequence of a collection of images, that are used to give the audience an insight into the programme, and to get them to ask questions about the narrative and the characters.

Here is the full title sequence of BBC’s ‘The Missing’:

We liked liked the idea of including a photo montage as our title sequence, as not only was it already a feature in many popular thrillers that we had watched on TV, but it would also help to give the audience a sense of what our film would be about. 

We felt that using a photo montage for our film would help the audience to learn a bit about the background of our characters, and their friendship, as this would be displayed in the photos we used. At the same time, it would mean that the audience were introduced to the characters before the film began. Due to human nature, the members of the audience would have already imagined what this character may be like, and have a preconceived judgement of them. 

Using a photo montage would also help us to establish to the audience a sense of equilibrium at the beginning at the piece, fitting with Todorov’s theory, by showing the characters to be happy, smiling and enjoying themselves in the photos we include.

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