Monday 27 February 2017

Photo Collage

During the editing process, we felt that we needed a film sequence to put before our titles that would link in with our narrative to help give the audience an idea of the characters and their situation. We took inspiration from other thrillers that we have watched, particularly ‘The Missing’, which we spoke about in the previous post. Therefore, we decided we would create a photo collage to reflect the relationship between Josh, Hannah and Jazz, and to show their friendship. This was easy to create for us as we are close friends outside of our media group, and as a result we have a large bank of photos with us in together. 

To make this collage, we searched through our photos on our computers, social medias and on our phones to find ones that we thought would best showcase our friendships. We printed them out, cut them out and then had to find a suitable surface that we could make the collage on. We decided that Josh’s sideboard would be the best surface as it is it a plain colour, flat, and we could easily stick the photos to it without damaging it. We experimented with the positioning of the photos until we found an arrangement that we were happy with before we started filming.

 We tested a range of shots to showcase the photo collage, however, we decided that a slow pan looked the best, with the camera zooming in and out on a select few photos that we decided were of key importance to show the relationship between the characters. An example of this is the photo of Josh and Jasmine (me) at prom, which is shown later on in the film when it is featured in the frame that Josh picks up and lays face down. 

Throughout the time that the shots of the montage are playing, the music featured will be ‘Jealousy’ by Frankie Miller. This is because the audience will be able to relate the photos to the relationships between the characters and that the jealousy must be due to a love triangle within their friendship. Additionally, the titles will feature during this montage.

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