Wednesday 22 February 2017

Filming Locations

As part of our filming process, we had to decide on what locations we would be filming our shots in. We needed to film all of our shots in/around a house, so, we discussed all of houses and which we thought would be the best for filming purposes. In the end, we decided that Josh’s house was not only the best for filming purposes, but was also the most conveniently located, as we could all get there easily, and it was only a 15 minute walk from school for when we needed to film after school. 

In Josh’s house, we filmed in 3 separate locations. We filmed in the downstairs hallway, the garage and in the garden.

The scene we filmed in the hallway was the argument scene between Hannah and Josh. This is also where we filmed the photo collage on a separate occasion. We filmed this in the hallway because we felt that this would be an appropriate and sensible location for the argument to happen. The hallway was also spacious which allowed for ease with filming.

The shots we shot in the garage were all the ones of Jazz’s (my) body. We decided we would film this in the garage as the lighting was very eerie, and everything was very grey. We felt this would add to the eerie-ness of the shots, and we felt that if we were to film it indoors, the colourful decor might take away from the intended atmosphere of the shots.

In the garden, we shot the low angle shot of Hannah and Josh walking out of the garage, the close up of the garage door slamming, the 360° pan of Jazz (me) and the medium shot of Josh. We felt that the garden was the correct location to the 360° pan which zooms into my eye, and zooms out of Josh’s eye into a medium shot of Josh, for a few reasons. The first reason is that the garden was somewhere we could easily film the 360° shot as there was plenty of room. Another reason that we decided to film this shot in the garden is that we felt like it linked the shots in the house and the garage together, and that it gave the audience an idea of the setting of the film.

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