Sunday 29 January 2017

2nd Day of Filming

On our second day of filming, we decided we would film the shots of Jazz’s (my) body in the garage. Whilst preparing to film the shots, we encountered an issue that we had not considered - how should I lie to make it look realistic? The only solution was, of course, to experiment with me lying on the floor in different positions, and for the other members of my group to judge what they thought looked most feasible. 

Postion 1

This was the first position that I laid in, and Josh, Hannah and Caitlin thought that it did not realistic at all. This is because the chances of my arms falling naturally like that would be incredibly slim. I agreed with them, as to me, it felt very staged lying in that particular way.

Position 2

This was that we initially chose, but on reflection, we decided that ,in fact, my hand would be unlikely to naturally fall onto my stomach. Therefore, for this reason, we altered this position slightly to make it seem that little bit less staged.

Position 3

This is the position that we decided was most realistic, and it also felt a lot more natural to me. We achieved this more natural looking positionally Hannah picking up my arms and my legs, and dropping them, to see where they fell naturally. We felt that this worked well. Here is a time lapse of that:

The Tablets…

When Hannah was placing the tablets in my hand, we also had the same problem, in that it looked too staged where they were placed. To rectify that, Hannah simply dropped the tablets into my hand, to see where they fell naturally.

Friday 27 January 2017

Horizontal vs. Vertical Integration

Vertical Integration

From my research, I have found that vertical integration is when a company has ownership of the production, distribution and exhibition of the film. The company receives all of the profit that the film makes, because they are responsible for every aspect of making the film, marketing it and getting it to be consumed by the audience.

"When a company wishes to grow through a vertical integration, it is seeking to strengthen its supply chain, reduce its production costs, capture upstream or downstream profits, or access downstream distribution channels. To do this, one company acquires another company that is either before or after it in the supply chain process."

Horizontal Integration

My research tells me that horizontal integration is when a company expands by purchasing other companies that are of the same size in the same area of industry that they are in. For example, a production company would purchase another production company in the hopes to expand, and to decrease the amount of production competition that it faces. 

"When a company wishes to grow through a horizontal integration, it is seeking to increase its size, diversify its product or service, achieve economies of scale, reduce competition, or gain access to new customers or markets. To do this, one company acquires another company of similar size and operations, in the same industry. Two great examples of a horizontal integration are the acquisition of Pixar by Disney or the acquisition o Instagram by Facebook."

Here is a case study on 'Casino Royale' that I found whilst researching. At the beginning, it outlines what horizontal and vertical integration are. It also gives details on synergy. 

Wednesday 25 January 2017

Convergence, Synergy & Symbiosis

Cross-media Convergence

“Cross-media convergence is when multiple media platforms come together in order to use an idea that can be promoted but that benefits them all, all products are released at same time.”

Cross-media convergence in the film industry involves combining two or more mediums in order to promote a film, but that benefits both media platforms. All products are released at the same time as a means to promote the other products. For example, media convergence involves the coming together of the music industry and film industry.

Cross-media convergence is important in the film industry as it means that two media conglomerates can come together in order to generate profit. If two of the most famous media conglomerates come together in cross-media convergence, it will boost people’s interest in watching the film.

Technological Convergence

“Technological convergence is the process by which a range of media platforms are integrated within a single piece of media technology”

Technological convergence is when new technologies are made that incorporate multiple media platforms. Take a phone, camera, video camera, MP3 player, a games console and computer, for example. A few years ago, these all existed as separate pieces of technology. Since then, smart phones have emerged in the technological industry, and have incorporated all of those things into one single device, that is portable and can fit in your pocket. Mobile phones are able to call and text, take photos and videos, play music, browse the internet and download apps to play games. 

This has come as a very large advantage to media institutions as it means that they can make their products more accessible to their audience. On one single device, someone can stream or download their film, listen to the soundtrack of the film, play games based on the film, watch the trailer of the film and cast interviews on YouTube and use the internet to view the official website of the film. Not only this, but technological convergence has also allowed for more convenient advertising, as institutions can use social media platforms to advertise their films to a large number of people. 

There are downsides, of course, to technological convergence. This includes digital piracy, which is becoming an increasing threat to the film industry. The increase of convenience of mobile devices, has meant that it is easier than ever for people to illegally download films, or to use illegal film sites or to download illegal film apps. As a means to attempt to combat increasing levels of piracy, institutions are attempting to make going to the cinema an ‘experience’ as opposed to simply somewhere to go to watch a film when it is released. To do this, they have invested in 3D and 4D films, IMAX cinemas have been established, and certain cinemas now have booths within for private hire.


“Media synergy is the way in which different elements of a media conglomerate work together to promote linked products across different media”

Synergy in the film industry is the simultaneous release of different products in order to promote the other product. An example of this is the James Bond movie, “Skyfall”. When the film was released in cinemas, the single ‘Skyfall’ was released by Adele at the same time. The simultaneous release of both of these elements, resulted in promotion of their counterpart. If either of the products were released without the other, they would not have had as much awareness of them raised, meaning it would result in less profit for the media institutions.

Walt Disney has one of the most prominent uses of synergy out of all production companies. The company has theme parks, incredible amounts of merchandise, soundtracks and increasing amounts of films. Each of these elements promote all of the others within the Walt Disney company. 

The former CEO of Disney, Michael Eisner, once said: “The Disney Stores promote the consumer products, which promote the parks, which promote the television shows.” All of this in turn promotes the company of Walt Disney. 


“Symbiosis is when different companies work together to promote a range of related products.”

Walt Disney was the pioneer of symbiotic marketing techniques. During the 1930’s, the company granted multiple films permission to use Disney’s most well-known character, Mickey Mouse, in/on their products. Marketing Disney through licensing arrangements proved to be incredibly successful due to the ever growing success of Disney. 

A modern day example of symbiosis in film is Cath Kidston and Disney. Featuring Disney characters amongst Cath Kidston prints on their products, serves as a benefit to both Cath Kidston, and Disney. People who are fans of Disney will be inclined to buy the Cath Kidston products, and people who are fans of Cath Kidston will be inclined to watch the Disney films that feature the characters. 

Here is an extremely useful PowerPoint that I found that has plenty of detail and examples on both synergy, symbiosis and convergence:

Friday 20 January 2017

Narrative Theorists in Our Film

In the narrative of our piece, we have included Todorov’s theory of difference in equilibrium, and Levi Strauss’ theory of binary opposition. 

Todorov’s Theory

At the beginning of our opening sequence, the photo montage we have included displays equilibrium. The characters all appear to be smiling, happy and enjoying themselves, and nothing appears to be wrong here. Then, a shot of Jazz’s body lying on the floor comes in after the titles, which is the first display of disequilibrium in our narrative. As of course, this displays that something bad has happened, and that the happiness shown in the beginning has been dissipated. Although the equilibrium is not shown to be re-established in our opening sequence, it will be by the end of the film, with Josh’s character being brought to justice for what he has done.

Levi Strauss’ Theory

Throughout our piece we have used a few examples of binary opposition. We include life vs. death, good vs. evil and innocence vs. guilt.

Life vs. death is shown by the contrast of shots of Hannah and Josh being alive, and Jazz’s dead body lying on the garage floor. Additionally, the photo montage that we use at the start of the piece also represents life, and a time when Jazz was alive.

Good vs. evil is portrayed by the inclusion of my character and Josh’s character. Josh’s character being the evil character, with plotting and carrying out the murder of Jazz, and mine being the good character, as she had done nothing wrong to provoke her killing.

We have portrayed innocence vs. guilt via the use of the juxtaposition of zooming into Jazz’s eye, and out of Josh’s eye. The use of juxtaposition shows binary opposition as Jazz’s facial expression reflects her innocence, and Josh’s facial expression reflects his aggression and guilt. 

Wednesday 18 January 2017

Narrative Theorists

Levi Strauss

Claude Levi-Strauss was a social anthropologist who believed in the expression of binary opposition in a films narrative. He believed that all conflict in a film was based on binary opposition, and often is the main focus of the narrative. Strauss believed that the human mind thinks fundamentally in these binary oppositions. 

Some examples of binary opposites are:

Good vs. Evil
Boy vs. Girl
Peace vs. War
Strong vs. Weak
Domestic vs. Savage

Here are some examples of films that show Strauss’ theory of binary opposition:

Good vs. Evil - Harry Potter (Good) vs. Voldemort (Bad)
Peace vs. War - Humans (Peace) vs. Aliens (War)


Tzvetan Todorov was a Bulgarian literary theorist who suggests that most film narratives follow the same pattern: equilibrium, disequilibrium, equilibrium.

Todorov believed that this narrative pattern has five stages:
  1. A state of equilibrium at the outset
  2. A disrupton of the equilibrium by some action
  3. A recognition that there has been a disruption
  4. An attempt to repair the show disruption
  5. A reinstatement of the equilibrium

This theory is found to be true for most narratives, as many films follow this narrative sequence. However, equally, there are films that do not follow this sequence.

Fight Club is a film that DOES NOT follow this theory
Die Hard is a film that DOES follow this theory


Vladimir Propp was a Russian critic and literary theorist who proposed that characters and their actions could be classified into clearly defined roles and functions. Propp came to this conclusion after analysing over 100 Russian fairytales, in which he found that he could classify all characters into 7 broad character functions. Propp also believed that the protagonist of the film would take on the hero role, and that the films antagonist would take on the villain role.

The 7 character functions are:

The hero
The villain
The donor (Gives the hero something to help them)
The helper (Typically magical, helps the hero in their quest)
The princess
The false hero 
The dispatcher (Sends the hero on their quest)

This theory is found to fit a lot of films, however, there are a lot of more recent films that do not. 

Here is a helpful PowerPoint that I have found when researching, that includes an example as to how 'The Hunger Games' fits Propp's theory:

Saturday 14 January 2017

Planning: The Narrative

In order to plan the narrative , we sat down as a group and we discussed ideas for the film. During our discussion, we also talked about different shots that we could use in our film. We decided that we should also watch some crime dramas to further get some inspiration for the narrative of our thriller opening sequence.

Here is a photo of the mind map that we created with our ideas:

Wednesday 11 January 2017

Production Companies That Would Produce Our Film

Who would produce and distribute our film?

The target audience of our piece is teenagers between the ages of 16 and 19, specifically. With modern society becoming ever more reliant on the internet, and with illegal downloads becoming such a large problem for the film industry, we talked about making our film accessible legally through the internet. 

Our target audience falls into the age bracket of people that use online streaming sites such as Netflix, Amazon Prime and Now TV, the most. Whether this be because a monthly membership to a site such as Netflix can equate to less than one cinema trip, or whether it be due to the convenience of being able to watch some of the latest, and most popular, movies from the comfort of your own home, we don’t know. 

After some research, we decided one of the production companies that we were most interested in producing our film was Film 4. We were attracted to Film 4 as it is well known for producing independent, low budget, British films, and as a result, have quite a large following of people that watch their work, as they have enjoyed previous pieces they have watched. Using a production company like Film 4 would make our film more appealing to an audience as they are a production company that is renowned for making excellent quality pieces, with interesting narratives. Additionally, Film 4 is also available on an online platform, which is fitting with how we wanted to make our film legally accessible online. Film 4 would also be a suitable company to produce our film, as from research we have conducted, they have produced a fair few films that are of the thriller genre.

After some discussion and some research, we came to the conclusion that we would be interested in using hybrid distribution as our method for distributing our thriller film. Hybrid distribution is when you keep the rights for your film, but sell them to different distributing platforms to distribute your product. This way you earn more money, as your are paid by the different distributors, than if you just sold the rights straight off.

We liked this idea as it meant that our film would be available to watch on a variety of platforms, and would then hopefully reach a larger audience than it might if on one method of distribution was used.

As a means to distribute our product, we would be interested in using a streaming site such as Netflix. This is not only because Netflix is a site that is regularly used by our target audience, but because it has been used as a platform for getting lots of independent films a lot of interest. For example, Netflix produces and distributes its own shows and films, which gain a lot of views through the platform. Additionally, a lot of British independent films have grown in popularity, and have reached a much wider audience than thought, due to the success of the platform, and due to the sheer number of people that use the platform. 

There were a variety of reasons that we decided that our film would be distributed using online platforms. Not just because that our target audience as regular users of streaming sites, but also because it would be more cost effective. For low budget, independent films, it is often unrealistic for them to be distributed in cinemas, as this costs a lot of money. Instead, the use of hybrid distribution, involving the use of online streaming platforms, would be far more achievable and cost effective. 

Sunday 8 January 2017

First Day of Filming

 Filming Details:

Location: Josh’s House - Pencoed
Date: Friday 6th January 
Start Time: 9:30am

Here is a photo I took of my other group members before we started filming.
Today was our first day of filming and it went very well. We spent the day testing out a variety of shots to see what we thought would make our film interesting. In the process, we discovered some shots that were unsuitable, and we added some extra shots that we had the idea of as we were filming. 

A large part of today’s filming tasks was to test out different intensities of lighting to see which we thought would be most suitable for our film. To test the lighting, I lay on the floor in the garden throughout the day, including midday and early evening. 

Something we noticed is that due to the time of year, it got dark very fast outside. This meant that we would have to act quickly if we were to film outside. The photos above were taken only an hour apart, one at 4pm and one at 5pm, which proves our theory, and means that we will have to be wary of continuity in lighting conditions. Additionally, we will also have to be cautious of weather conditions, as today the weather conditions were clear and sunny. If it was cloudy or raining, then it might be darker earlier. 

This photo was taken at 4pm in Josh's garden
This photo was taken at 5pm in Josh's garden

Altogether, we decided that we preferred the lighting in the photo that was taken at 5pm, as it was darker, and we felt that it made the shot more sinister and eerie. This dark lighting is also stereotypical of thriller films. However, we found that filming in the garage at just after 5pm was too dark, as you could not see me enough, which meant that this timing was unsuitable to film in the garage, and that we would have to do it earlier.

Thursday 5 January 2017

Production vs. Distribution

What is production?

The term production is used in reference to the development and creation of the film. This covers pre-production, production and post-production.

Pre-production: This part of the project includes everything that must happen before filming commences. This includes working out the location for shooting, the casting, and making the storyboard and script for the film.

Production: This is the part of the process where the footage is being recorded. It is also where the team look at the lighting requirements of the shots, the framing and it is also where composition is worked on, too.

Post-production: After all the footage is filmed, this is the part of the process in which it is turned into a film that people can watch. This stage of production includes editing, sound mixing, colour correction and addition of any SFX such as CGI.

What is distribution?

The term distribution is used to refer to what happens to the film after it is finalised. During distribution, the film is made viewable to the public. It is the distributors of the film that decide on the marketing strategies of the film, the release date of the film and the way the film is made available for the audience to view it. They also decide whether the film will go to the cinema to be viewed initially, or whether it will be released straight onto home viewing platforms, or streaming websites.

Here is a useful presentation that I found when I was conducting my research in the differences between production and distribution:

Tuesday 3 January 2017

Differences Between American & British Film Production

As part of my research into the film industry, I have conducted some research into the differences between American and British Film Production. With the research I have completed, I have made a PowerPoint with the information that I have found out: